
Toll Free Numbers

Businesses are investing in smarter and faster ways to reach out to their customer base. They are looking to enhance their customer experience with efficiency and lower operating costs. Take the leap to better customer accessibility with an easy-to-remember 1800 and 1860 number series that streamlines communication and offers 24/7 support. Providing consistent, quality customer service has never been easier.

  • Features & Benefits

  • Provides Instant Access to Customers
  • Number Series of 1800 & 1860
  • Time, Geography and Load Based Routing
  • Get Industry first SLA on your TFN
  • Call Hunting on Landing Numbers
  • Self-Care Portal to Manage Routing Options
  • Intelligent Analytical Reports

Customer, stakeholders and even employees often need to directly reach businesses or service providers. A Toll Service is a number or a set of numbers, which callers may reach by dialling-in, either fro free or at a nominal cost.

Our Toll Services cater to enterprise customer across the country. Dispensed on our state-of-theart, intelligent network platform, we support Toll Service across all service providers and ensure ease of access for your customers while reaching out to your business

Our service enables efficient use of phone lines that allows mixing inbound and outbound calls on the same dedicated access line.

With us you get 24x7 monitoring by our Network Operating Centre.
